Recent Project: New Business Launch

- Brand Persona
- Logo/Identity
- Web Design
- Content Development
- SEO/Discoverability

Client: Scott Lewis, Esq.

Sample website design for new business, desktop and mobile display

Attorney Scott Lewis was launching a new solo practice. He needed a new website, and help establishing his new business entity’s presence online.

Developing a Brand Persona

Scott is deeply involved in the Hartford area community, and has deep connections in the legal profession. With all of his brand elements, from photos to content, we were striving to create balance.

His genuine, calm, reassuring demeanor makes you want him to represent you. But also … you’d never want to be across the negotiating table from this sharp litigator! The right leads are flowing in post-launch, so we’re pleased with the results.

Establishing a Visual Identity

Scott was launching a new solo practice, which meant plenty of upfront costs to cover. We sought to maximize his marketing budget at every turn.

To save on logo design costs, we proposed this sharp yet classic text treatment. It got the job done nicely, while respecting the budget.

The new brand identity includes a second Lewis as a respectful nod to his father, an attorney and mentor, in memoriam.

Developing Website Content

Over a dozen pages of content were needed for the website, and had to be written from scratch. Quickly. We got right on the task, with a combination of content interviews with Scott plus a good bit of topical research.

We were especially gratified that much of what we crafted passed muster with very few edits from this very exacting attorney!

To communicate how active Scott is in the community he serves, we hired a professional photographer to create an important sense of place. Just one of Scott’s volunteer jobs is visiting hospice patients with Watson, his therapy dog. Both were good sports about posing in recognizable spots about town. These shots were elemental in creating the brand persona we sought.


Part of our content strategy was to incorporate strong baseline SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practices into the construction of the site. We rely on both specialized training in this area as well as keeping up with best practices in the industry to accomplish this for clients.

Beyond the website content and construction, we also gave Scott a strategy to create strong business listings for the new practice and request those all-important Google reviews. He’s on his way!

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