Email Marketing Tips

Our business partnership with Constant Contact means you can put the services of a market leader to work and get your word out quickly and easily. There are some tricks of the trade that you can leverage along the way. Some quick tips include:

email marketing award constant contact

  1. Collect email addresses as often as possible. So if you’re going to an industry meeting, on a sales call, or to an event, get addresses and permission to add them to your email list.
  2. Have a signup block on your website, so visitors can stay in touch. This is also a great way to collect more information about your website visitors. You can put one on your Facebook Page, too.
  3. Encourage your readers to forward your email newsletters. It works!
  4. Gather detailed information about your customer base, so you can segment your mailing list and tailor emails to individual interests. Ask for more than the usual name and address, and encourage prospects and clients to choose from a variety of topics relevant to your business and pertinent to their interests.
  5. Choose colors wisely. Did you know that using red-colored text can flag your content as spam?
  6. Pick your send-out dates and times carefully. Some days offer higher success rates than others. It’s true!
  7. Keep your list current. Be careful about making changes to the list, and try to keep a close eye on who in your company has changed what. You don’t want to lose leads!
  8. Use email marketing to supplement your inbound marketing tools, like social networking platforms.